
Showing posts from November, 2017

Review and Reflection of Sorrow of War

Review The novel The Sorrow of War is about a young Vietnamese solider who has been through many things while in the war. After he fought in the Vietnam war , it hunted him for the rest of his life even when the war was over. The novel goes back and forth between his unfulfilled love with his high school sweet heart. He had no family and went through many struggles. As he went through depression, heart breaks , and struggles he started writing a novel about his life to rest his soul and rid of the devils. After reading this novel, I learned to never give up so easily. Reflection After reading this novel I have learned to never give up so easily. I have also learn that people drink to cover up their problems. For example, Kien and his father was always drunk when they worked. The war can affect soldiers in many ways. For instance, it can affect them mentally, physically, and emotionally. It can also affect their friends and family. Stress and depression can also kill someone. I have

The Sorrow of War (Sunday 126 -146)

1. "His father died in his childhood, His mother left him all alone. Like a plant's, his growth is good. In times of war he's on his own. So the boy creates his very own man, Not mourning the fate of a lonely orphan." (page 127) * This quote theme is loneliness. Kien had no one to turn to. He had no family and friends. He didnt know much about his mom. He felt as though he raised himself. * This quote is man vs self. He had to teach himself to never give up and to keep going to survive. 2. "He poured himself a glass of wine, filled it to the brim, and tossed it down hurriedly. He sat in his chair and held his head in his hands." * This quote is man vs self. He always got drunk to think better. * This quote characterize Kien because whenever he was going through something he will drink his problems away. When he was drunk it would help him think better and write better.

The Sorrow of War (Saturday 105-125)

1. " There are times when he feels that only death will give him a real rest. In his childhood he heard the saying: One's life is only a handspan; he who sleeps too much shortens it by half." (Page 116) * This quote represents the man vs. self because he feels as though he is running out of time to complete everything he want to complete before death. * This quote relates to the theme hope because he is hoping that he completes all his tasks before times runs out. 2. " Kien moved past the girl, heading upstairs, and Oanh said to the girl, " Go down into the yard with your hands up. No one will shoot you."(page 105) * this quote relates to police brutality going on in society today.  * This quote is man vs man.

The Sorrow of War (Friday 85-105)

1. "You fucking prostitute, lying there showing it for everyone to see. Dare trip me up, damn your ancestors! To help with you!" (Page102) * This quote relates to the theme prostitution. She had no clothes on and she was around many men. * This quote is man vs self because the big solider did her wrong taking to much anger put on her instead of controlling his anger. 2."The sorrow of war inside a soilder's heart was in a strange way similar to the sorrow of love. It was a kind of nostalgia, like the immense sadness of a world at dusk." (Page 94) * This quote relates to the theme love. The war scared him like his love scared him. * This quote is man vs self because it was something he loved to do even when things were hard.

The Sorrow of War (Thursday 64-85)

1. "He thought of them as part of his life being blown away in wispy sections, leaving vast, open areas of complete emptiness, as in his own life." (Page 68) * This quote represents the themes suffering. Kien has lost all of his family and friends, having no one to be with. * This quote indicate Man vs self. He has no one to turn to and he is loosing his mind, his life and heart is empty. 2. "He lived on the razor's edge. Whenever he heard high heels tapping on the stairs his heart would stop. But it was never Phuong."(page 85) * This quotes goes under the theme of hope. He hopes that Phuong will come back into his life. * This is a conflict of man vs self. Even though he really wanted to be with her he knew it qould be bad for the both of them. Their love had faded away.