The Sorrow of War (Friday 85-105)

1. "You fucking prostitute, lying there showing it for everyone to see. Dare trip me up, damn your ancestors! To help with you!" (Page102)

* This quote relates to the theme prostitution. She had no clothes on and she was around many men.

* This quote is man vs self because the big solider did her wrong taking to much anger put on her instead of controlling his anger.

2."The sorrow of war inside a soilder's heart was in a strange way similar to the sorrow of love. It was a kind of nostalgia, like the immense sadness of a world at dusk." (Page 94)

* This quote relates to the theme love. The war scared him like his love scared him.

* This quote is man vs self because it was something he loved to do even when things were hard.


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