
Showing posts from January, 2019

Day5/The color Purple

Reflection: Shug Avery was now in town. Mr. tried to do everything he could to please her. Shug is a carefree, blunt, and rebellious woman. When Celie first meet her she is overwhelmed with joy, until Shug calls her UGLY . I believe she is a very nice person and she is seen to be mean because she is sick. Day5: Today was amazing. I learned all about literary 3×3 in AP Literature. Also, me and my bestfriend got into it. She was upset because I didn't sit by her while we took senior pictures. In addition, I came home and did my homework. Usually,  I'll take a nap first but, not today. 3×3: Love destroys power Friendship abandons trust Respect survive revenge

Day4/The color Purple

Reflection: Mr. Hears that Shug Avery is coming to town. He stops working out in the field and stops helping Celie. He becomes very depressed and sad. By Celie not caring how Mr. feels this show they have a bad relationship. He talks to Harpo like he does Celie. This shows he doesn't have a good relationship with Harpo. Also I think it was dumb how Harpo went to beat Sofia. He knew she was strong minded and confident. Day4: My day was ok like always. The most exciting thing about my day is waking up.  I love learning new things in my math class although I be sleepy. Also, today we had chili for lunch because of this cold weather.


My weekend was great! I stayed in the house the whole weekend and caught up on my shows. Basically, my weekend was a chill time for me. I was off from work the entire weekend. yay! I received good news on getting a car . I'm very excited and hopefully next weekend will be more exciting than this one.

Day2/The Color Purple

In the Color Purple Mr. Wants to marry Nettie but her father will not let him. He wants Mr. to marry Celie because he says she is no good. This made Celie feel bad about herself. In the marriage, Celie has to do a lot of work. She has no say so in the marriage. Day2: Today my day was okay. I became sick and did not go to school. I stayed home eating soup and resting. The exciting part of my day was going to work and getting sent home.

Day1/ The Color Purple

In the Letters 1-8, I have learned that a young girl name Celie was raped by her father, Fonso. Fonso also impregnated the young girl. Reading the letters made me angry and sad. I liked how Celie watched after her little sister Nettie. It shows she is a good big sister. Day 1: I had a good day today. In AP Literature we started reading the book The Color Purple.  I love this film so I am very excited to read the novel. I also went to the AB honor roll prep rally. We honored Rodney Hudson for his good work. I had an amazing time.


Deprivation-  Damaging lack of material benefits consider to be basic in necessity society incongruous- not in harmony premonition-  a strong feeling that something is a bout to happen Opulence-  Great wealth or luxuriousness Enjambment- the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza. Extravagant- costing to much money Obsolete- no longer used Contentious- likely to cause an argument Superstition- excessively credulous belief in Controversial- giving rise or likely to give rise to public agreement ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Many people suffer deprivation because of low wages. When one wear a black coat and red hat they are incongruous. The citizens of America had a premonition of the disaster. The rooms in the White House were opulence. The wall that trump wants to build is extravagant. The wall will contentious in America. Also, it will become obsolete in 10 years. Trump superstitions about the wall are very ridiculous. The nasty field


The experience of creating Senoj was very exciting. We loved the idea of being able to create our own monster and tell its history. Although it was difficult to come up with a background for a story and a look for it, we still found a way. Doing this project also taught us how creative we are and how to communicate good. Each one of my group members contributed into the project. It was a very fun productive group activity. We all had postive vibes and good imaginations.

Monster to senoj

Senoj was a young kid who went to Calloway. He was a sweet, quiet kid who rarely talked to anyone if he didn’t have to. This is what made kids bully and pick on him. One day his class took a field trip to a lake near by. Senoj sat by the lake by himself. A couple of the kids thought it would be funny to push him in the water. Everyone crowds around him. Out of nowhere one of the bigger boys push him in the water.He started to drown immediately. Someone says help him but no one helps. All of the kids go back to the field trip area. As the kids get on the bus the teacher asks has anyone seen Senoj. No one answers. Then a girl says he didn’t come to school today and they leave. Senoj’s body washes up in a grassy field on side of the lake. An old man finds the boy and takes him home. The man specializes in black magic and uses it to find out how the boy died. He casts a spell that brought the boy back a terrible cost. When the boy is brought to life he is surrounded by magical fish. These

Poem about the monter

Don't Laugh at me Don't laugh at me Because I know i am fat After You taught me everyday, what do you get out of that? Dont laugh at me Now You've gone to far Pushing me off the bridge knowing I can't swim at all Look at what you've done to me Now I'm dead I couldn't breathe in this deep blue sea. Dont laugh at me I can't believe im talking to fish They also brought me back to life which was my only wish. Dont laugh at me Now im out for revenge You laugh at me again I'll let you know what it is. Dont laugh at me Look what You made me do Now you're lifeless... All because you laughed at me.

Poem to the Monster

Senoj Senoj please let us be Come out the water set us free We didn't mean for you to drown You didn't have to bring us down You eat people pound by pound All we hear is dripping sounds Water creeks Water reeks Senoj Senoj Please let us be.