Day1/ The Color Purple

In the Letters 1-8, I have learned that a young girl name Celie was raped by her father, Fonso. Fonso also impregnated the young girl. Reading the letters made me angry and sad. I liked how Celie watched after her little sister Nettie. It shows she is a good big sister.

Day 1:
I had a good day today. In AP Literature we started reading the book The Color Purple.  I love this film so I am very excited to read the novel. I also went to the AB honor roll prep rally. We honored
Rodney Hudson for his good work. I had an amazing time.


  1. It's very good that you had a good day and I am very excited to read the color purple as well. Btw congratulations on A/B Honor Roll that's an awesome accomplishment.

  2. Congrats on being able to attend the A/B Honor Roll pep rally. Also it is great that you had an amazing time.


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