
Showing posts from February, 2019

2/14 daily post

Reflection: Today, my class started reading a new book called Fences. The characters are what makes the book funny. I like the fact that Troy is blunt and real. He also has a sense of humor. My least favorite character right now is Lyon. He doesn't want to go out and make money himself. He is not into the manhood yet. Daily post: It's Valentine's day of course and I enjoyed my day. I recieved many things from bath and body works. My boyfriend surprised me at work today with many gifts.

2/13 daily post

Reflection: By us going over words in class will help us on the Exam. We now the difference in moments and events. They are very similar but are seen in different ways. Also, the novel The Color Purple will help us with question 3 on the exam. Daily post: Today started off as rough for me . I tried to take pills for my back pains but I threw them up. I am a horrible pill taker. As the day went on, it got better. I went Valentine's day shopping for my family.


Reflection: The lesson in Mr. Rease class was great! He is always teaching us new things. He is teaching us how to write a good paper step by step. I feel that I will do okay on the AP Exam. The Color Putple will help me answer many prompts. Daily post: Today was an interesting day. We learned something new in math class as always. Also, I got to drive to school for the first time. I went to the doctor and now I have to take 4 pills every day. UGH! Hopefully, I feel better soon.

2/11 daily post

Reflection: Celie is now very upset that Mister hid the letters. She changes her writing from "Dear God " to "Dear Nettie". Shug is on celie side and believes that she should leave Mister for all the wrong he has done. Celie finds courage to confronts Mister and she now wants to kill him. Daily post: Today was a relaxing day for me. My mom went out of town so I had to cook dinner. Also, I got to talk with my older sister for a hour. She's always busy with college and work. Also, my siblings and I made a cake. It was so delicious omg.

2/10 daily post

Reflection: I am now on page 155 ans the novel is amazing. As celie read the letters she has a hard time with words. She is also very upset. She has the right to be upset because Mr. hid the letters from her. He had her think Nettie was dead and now she wants to kill him. As I was reading this novel, my emotions changed from upset to happy. Daily post: Over the weekend I took the ACT test. I studied long hours. After the test, my family cooked up a seafood boil. They are all proud of me And so am I. My mom took me shopping for shoes ans prom dresses. I am not ready for school tomorrow but hopefully something amazing will happen.

2/8 daily post

Reflection: So far all of the characters are growing and gaining much knowledge. The readers now know that Nettie isn't dead after all. Mr was hiding her letters that she sent to Celie. A good reason for him to do this is because Nettie turned him down. This novel teaches many life lessons and I am excited that we chose this book. Daily post: Today I got to go over ACT material with my math teacher. Also, I been studying for 2 hours trying to prepare myself for the test. I have to get up at 7 a.m. tomorrow.  I would be devastated if I don't make a good grade. Fingers crossed and wish me luck.

2/7 daily post

Reflection: In this novel, I have come to learn that one doesn't have to be mean when they are getting treated wrong. Celie finds the letters that her sister has been sending her. At this point,  she should have stood up to Mr. And told him how she feels. This was really wrong of him because Celie thought Nettie was dead. Daily post: My bestfriend and I got into another argument.  Today she was being very bougie. We talked out our problems by spending a day at the nail salon. Also, Mr. Rease helped me write a good body paragraph. We went over AP prompts and it gave me a better understanding what the AP Exam is going to be like.

2/6 daily post

Reflection: Celie is a good person with a kind heart. I didnt like how Sofia was away from her children and family for 3 years. This kind of came off as her being a bad mother. I did like how Squeak wanted to help her out after everything. I believe Squeak really loves Harpo but he doesn't love her. Daily post: Let's see where can I start... ok so today I went to see my friend Johnathan sign over to University of A&M. It was a big celebration and he had plenty of supporters. My math teacher got upset because we went to the celebration. After school, we had a NHS meeting and it was boring like always.

2/5 daily post and reflection

Reflection: I am now on pg.110 in The Color Purple. I feel that Celie is being way to nice to Harpo when he comes over. She tucks him in bed after all he had done to her. This can also show that she is really a nice person. I feel bad for Sofia and her family. She has been in jail for 3 years and only sees her children once a year. I believe the Mayor's wife will come around to like Sofia later. Hopefully, they will let her free. Daily post: Today was a fun day for me. We had a free day in math class. We went to see the Hi-Q teams compete against each other. Also, I was super happy it didn't rain on me today while walking home. I got great news that I suppose to be getting a car soon. Omg! I am so happy .

Daily blog from 2/4/19

Today was a calm day for me . I love going to my math and Literature class. In math we learn some new every day so I was excited. In Mr.Rease class we went over some old AP exams. I was frustrated because I'm not able to comprehend poems like everyone else. Also, i got rained on because I had to walk home.

Daily blog

I really enjoyed myself today. Today I got to write a letter as Sofia's sister. Also, I met with people from University of South Alabama.  I plan on attending there for fall 2019. I went out to eat for my friend Ariel birthday. I had an amazing time omg. She looked so beautiful.  I enjoyed spending time with her friends and family.